Slow Driving Man
(for RLJ)
fast country/bluegrass
every car is passing on the right
they're honking and flashing their brights
they're just a bunch of bellyachers
I have to punish those lawbreakers
I don't care if this trip takes all night
I'm a Slow Driving Man
Driving as slow as I can
Every time you need to go
there I am, driving slow
because I'm a slow driving man
I'm the self appointed keeper of the law
making sure that speeders don't get far
now they're driving on the sidewalk
cause I've made a rolling roadblock
by blocking off the fast lane with my car
I'm a Slow Driving Man
Driving as slow as I can
Every time you need to go
there I am, driving slow
because I'm a slow driving man
what gives me the right to make you late
it's the wheelchair emblem on my license plate
I am on a holy mission; I will never fatigue
I'm the founder of the anti-destination league
All these other drivers are insane
drunk on that high octane
I'm old and I'm slow
got no particular place to go
and I won't stay out of the competent lane
I'm a Slow Driving Man
Driving as slow as I can
Every time you need to go
there I am, driving slow
because I'm a slow driving man
I'm a Slow Driving Man
Driving as slow as I can
somebody's road rage will explode
and I'll be found dead on the road
because I was a slow driving man
(c) 2003 Hidden Agenda